Noszticzius Zoltán tudományos közleményei
[1] Noszticzius Z.:
"Öndiffúziós állandó mérése elektrolitoldatokban"
Kémiai Közlemények 32, 115-120 (1969)
[2] Hegedüs D., Noszticzius Z., Erdey L.:
"Nyomnyi mennyiségű réz meghatározása cink-szulfidban neutronaktivációs analízissel"
Magyar Kémikusok Lapja 7, 344-347 (1971)
[3] Farkas H., Noszticzius Z.:
"On the Non-linear Generalization of the Gyarmati Principle and Theorem"
Annalen der Physik 27, 341 (1971)
[4] Noszticzius Z., Schubert A.:
"Electrolyte Diode I. Analysis of Isothermal Transport Processes in the Interfaces of Aqueous Solution of Acids and Bases"
Periodica Polytechnica 17, 165-177 (1973)
[5] Passiniemi P., Noszticzius Z.:
"Fitting the Solution of the Diffusion Equation to Measured Data in Tracer-diffusion Experiments"
Finnish Chemical Letters 1976, 189-191
[6] Noszticzius Z., Liukkonen S., Passiniemi P., Rastas J.:
"Optimal Conditions and Measuring Functionals in the Measurements of Diffusion Coefficients"
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Transactions I. 72, 2537-2544 (1976)
[7] Liukkonen S., Passiniemi P., Noszticzius Z., Rastas J.:
"Theory of Tracer Diffusion Measurements in Liquid Systems"
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Transactions I. 72, 2836-2843 (1976)
[8] Passiniemi P., Liukkonen S., Noszticzius Z.:
"Closed Capillary Method for Tracer Diffusion Measurements in Liquids"
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Transactions I. 73, 1834-1839 (1977)
[9] Farkas H., Noszticzius Z.:
"A Variational Method for Solving Heat Conductional Problems"
Periodica Polytechnica 21, 239-242 (1977)
[10] Schubert A., Noszticzius Z.:
"Electrolyte Diode" - an Experimental Study, Part II.
Periodica Polytechnica 21, 279-283 (1977)
[11] Noszticzius Z.:
"Periodic Carbon Monoxide Evolution in an Oscillating Reaction"
J. Phys. Chem. 81, 185-186 (1977)
[12] Oláh, K., Vajta, Zs., Noszticzius Z., Patonay, G., Mudri, I.:
"Kénvegyületek lángfotometriás detektálása"
Mérés és Automatika 458-461 (1978)
[13] Noszticzius Z., Oláh K., Vajta Zs., Pálmai Gy.:
"Polimer membránok gázpermeabilitásának vizsgálata lángionizációs detektor felhasználásával I."
Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat 85, 28-34 (1979)
[14] Noszticzius Z., Bódiss J.:
" A Heterogeneous Chemical Oscillator. The Belousov-Zhabotinskii-Type Reaction of Oxalic Acid"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 101, 3177-3182 (1979)
[15] Noszticzius Z.:
"Belouszov-Zsabotyinszkij-tipusú oszcilláló reakció oxálsav-aceton szubsztrátum keverékkel."
Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat 85, 330-331 (1979)
[16] Noszticzius Z.:
"Non -Br -Controlled Oscillations in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction of Malonic Acid"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 101, 3660-3663 (1979)
[17] Noszticzius Z., Bódiss J.:
"A hangyasav képzôdés lehetôségeinek vizsgálata a Belouszov- Zsabotyinszkij (BZ) reakcióban. Heterogén típusú BZ reakció glioxilsav és mezoxálsav szubsztrátummal"
Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat 86, 2-8 (1980)
[18] Noszticzius Z.:
"A Possible Explanation for the Origin of the Earthquake Lights"
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 69, 1627 (1979)
[19] Noszticzius E., Kalmár D., Noszticzius Z.:
"A Novel Method for Determination of Enzyme Activities"
Acta Chim. Acad. Sci. Hung. 103, 225 (1980)
[20] Noszticzius Z.:
"A Belouszov-Zsabotyinszkij reakció mechanizmusa: néhány analógia és feltevés vizsgálata"
Kémiai Közlemények 54, 79 (1980)
[21] Noszticzius Z., Bódiss J.:
"Contribution to the Chemistry of the Belousov-Zhabotinskij (BZ) Type Reactions"
Ber. Bunsenges-Phys. Chem. 84, 366 (1980)
[22] Noszticzius Z.:
"On the Role of Bromide Ions in the BZ Reaction of Malonic Acid"
Acta Chim. Acad. Sci. Hung. 106, 347 (1981)
[23] Noszticzius Z., Feller A.:
"On the Applicability of the Lotka-Volterra Scheme for different Types of the Belousov Zhabotinskii Reaction"
Acta Chim. Acad. Sci Hung. 110, 261 (1982)
[24] Noszticzius Z., Farkas H.:
"An Old Model as a New Idea in the Modelling of the Oscillating BZ Reaction" in: "Modelling of Chemical Reaction Sytems" p. 275
Eds: K.H. Ebert, P. Deuflhard, W. Jager,
Springer Series in Chemical Physics 18. Heidelberg N.Y. (1981)
[25] Noszticzius Z. et al.:
"Process and Apparatus for the Determination of the Total Organic Substance Content of Gases by Flame Ionization Detector
US. Patent 4, 201, 550 (1980)
[26] Passiniemi P., Liukkonen S., Noszticzius Z.:
"Elerctrolyte Diffusion at Very Low Concentrations in Ionized Water"
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Transactions I. 76, 2552 (1980)
[27] Patonay G., Noszticzius Z.:
"Effect of Stirring on the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction: a Problem of Interpretation"
React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. 17, 187 (1981)
[28] Oláh K., Noszticzius Z.:
"CH-Monitor Using a Membrane Permeator Combined with a Flame Ionization Detector"
Acta IMEKO 1979 p. 565-568
[29] Hédervári P., Noszticzius Z.:
"The Importance of the Observation of the Earthquake Lights as Precursory Phenomena of Impending Earthquakes
Proc. of 17th. Assembly of ESC, Budapest (1980)
Eds.: Bisztricsányi E., Szeidovitz Gy.
[30] Pálmai Gy., Oláh K., Noszticzius Z.:
"Polimer membránok gázpermeabilitásának vizsgálata...II."
Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat 88, 202-210 (1982)
[31] Schubert A., Noszticzius Z., Patonay G., Haskó T.:
"Transfer of Organic Molecules through Aqueous Layers Mediated by CD-s and CD-Derivatives"
I. Int. Symp. on Cyclodextrines, Budapest, 1981.
Ed: J. Szejtli, Akadémia Kiadó, Budapest (1982) pp. 195-205.
[32] Noszticzius Z., Noszticzius E., Schelly Z.A.:
"On the use of Ion-Selective Electrodes for Monitoring Oscillating Reactions 1. Potential Response of the Silver Halide Membrane Electrodes to Hypohalous Acids"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 104, 6194 (1982)
[33] Noszticzius Z., Noszticzius E., Schelly Z. A.:
"On the Use of Ion-Selective Electrodes for Monitoring Oscillating Reactions 2. Potential Response of Bromide - and Iodide - Selective Electrodes in Slow Corrosive Processes. Disproportionation of Bromous and Iodous Acids. A Lotka-Volterra Model for the Halate Driven Oscillators"
J. Phys. Chem. 87, 510 (1983)
[34] Noszticzius Z. et al.
"Gas Producing Electrolitic Cell for Portable Devices"
U S. Patent 4.332. 664. Jun.1. 1982
[35] Noszticzius Z., Farkas H., Schelly Z.A.:
"Explodator and Oregonator: Parallel and Serial Oscillatory Networks. A Comparison"
React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. 25, 305-311 (1984)
[36] Noszticzius Z., Farkas H., Schelly Z.A.:
"Explodator. A new skeleton mechanism for the halate driven chemical oscillators"
J. Chem. Phys. 80, 6062-6070 (1984)
[37] Oláh K., Patonay G., Noszticzius Z.:
"A Fully Linear Construction of Thermal Conductivity Detector"
J. Chromatographic Science 22, 444-448 (1984)
[38] Noszticzius Z., Farkas H., Schelly Z.A.:
"Process (E2) of the Explodator Model" in: "Chemical Systems" pp. 238-239
Eds.: C. Vidal, A. Pacault.
Springer, Berlin (1984)
[39] Noszticzius Z., Gáspár V., Försterling H.D.:
"Experimental Test for the Control Intermediate in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) Reaction"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107, 2314-2315 (1985)
[40] Noszticzius, Z., Wittmann, M., Stirling, P.:
"A New Bromide-Selective Electrode for Monitoring Oscillating Reactions" in: "4th Symposium on Ion-Selective Electrodes, Mátrafüred, 1984."
pp. 579-589, Ed. E. Pungor. Elsevier, Amsterdam (1985)
[41] Noszticzius Z., Stirling P., Wittmann M.:
"Measurement of Bromine Removal Rate in the Oscillatory BZ Reaction of Oxalic Acid. Transition from Limit Cycle Oscillations to Excitability via Saddle-Node Infinite Period Bifurcation"
J. Phys. Chem. 89, 4914-4942 (1985)
[42] Farkas H., Noszticzius Z.:
"Use of Liapunov Functions in Dissipative and Explosive Models"
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 89, 604-605 (1985)
[43] Farkas H., Noszticzius Z.:
"Generalized Lotka-Volterra Schemes and the Construction of Two-dimensional Explodator Cores and their Liapunov Functions via "Critical" Hopf Bifurcations"
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 2. 81, 1487-1505 (1985)
[44] Hédervári P., Noszticzius Z.:
Recent results concerning earthquake lights
Annales Geophysicae 3, 705-708 (1985)
[45] Gáspár V., Noszticzius Z., Farkas H.
"Numerical Simulation of the BZ Reaction of Oxalic Acid"
React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. 33, 81-86 (1987)
[46] Farkas H., Noszticzius Z.:
"Analytical Investigation of a Four-Variable Model of the BZ Reaction"
React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. 33, 93-98 (1987)
[47] Farkas H., Kertész V., Noszticzius Z.:
"Explodator and Bistability"
React. Kinet Catal. Lett. 32, 301-306 (1986)
[48] Noszticzius Z., Wittmann M., Stirling P.:
"Bifurcation from excitability to limit cycle oscillations at the end of the induction period in the classical Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction"
J. Chem. Phys. 86, 1922-1926 (1987)
[49] Coffman K., McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z., Simoyi R.H., Swinney H.L.:
"Universality, multiplicity and the effect of iron impurities in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction"
J. Chem. Phys. 86, 119-129 (1987)
[50] Ouyang Q., Tam W.Y., DeKepper P., McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z.,
Swinney H.L.:
"Bubble-Free Belousov-Zhabotinskii-Type Reactions"
J. Phys. Chem. 91, 2118 (1987)
[51] Noszticzius Z., McCormick W.D.:
Comment on "A Quantitative and Comparative Study on Silver Ion Perturbed
Belousov-Zhabotinsky Systems"
J. Phys. Chem. 91, 4430-4431 (1987)
[52] Farkas H., Noszticzius Z.:
"Mathematical Problems in Modelling of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Systems" in: "Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Nonlinear Oscillations"
pp. 812-815.
Eds: M. Farkas, V. Kertész, G. Stepan. János Bólyai Mathematical Society, Budapest (1987)
[53] Noszticzius Z., McCormick W.D., Swinney H.L.:
"Effect of Trace Impurities on a Bifurcation Structure in the Belousov- -Zhabotinskii Reaction and Preparation of High-Purity Malonic Acid"
J. Phys. Chem. 91, 5129-5134 (1987)
[54] Noszticzius Z., McCormick W.D., Swinney H.L., Schelly Z.A.:
"Parallel and Serial Networks in the Mechanism of the Oscillating Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction. The Tandem Oscillator"
Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica Chem. Series 178, 57-77 (1987) Helsinki
[55] Noszticzius Z., Horsthemke W., McCormick W.D., Swinney H.L. Tam W.Y.:
"Sustained chemical waves in an annular gel reactor:a chemical pinwheel"
Nature 329, 619-620 (1987)
[56] Noszticzius, Z. Horsthemke, W., McCormick, W.D., Swinney, H.L.:
"Sustained Chemical Waves in a Turing-Nicolis-Prigogine Ring Reactor" in: "Spatial Inhomogeneities and Transient Behaviour in Chemical Kinetics"
Conference held in Brussels, 1987 Eds. P. Gray, G. Nicolis, F. Baras, P. Borckmans and S.K. Scott Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York 1990 pp 429-432.
[57] Noszticzius Z., Horsthemke W., McCormick W.D., Swinney, H.L.:
"Stirring effects in the BZ Reaction with Oxalic Acid - Aceton Mixed Substrate in Batch Reactor and in CSTR". in: "Spatial Inhomogeneities and Transient Behaviour in Chemical Kinetics"
Conference held in Brussels, 1987
Eds. P. Gray, G. Nicolis, F. Baras, P. Borckmans and S.K. Scott Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York 1990 pp 429-432.
[58] Noszticzius Z., McCormick W.D.:
"Estimation of the Rate Constant of the Ag + Br -> AgBr Reaction. On the Possibility of Non Bromide Controlled Oscillations in the BZ Reaction"
J. Phys. Chem. 92, 374-376 (1988)
[59] Eszterle M., Noszticzius Z., Schelly Z.A.:
"The Phase Response of the Explodator"
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 84, 575-580 (1988)
[60] Tam W.Y., Horsthemke W., Noszticzius Z., Swinney H.L.:
"Sustained spiral waves in a continuously fed unstirred chemical reactor"
J. Chem. Phys. 88, 3395-96 (1988)
[61] Swinney H.L., Horsthemke W., McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z., Tam W.J.:
"Temporal and Spatial Patterns in Complex Systems"
In: Dynamic Patterns in Complex Systems, Eds.: J.A.S Kelso, A.J. Mandell,
M.F. Shlesinger. World Scientific, Singapore pp. 112-120 (1988)
[62] Noszticzius Z., McCormick W.D., Swinney H.L.:
"Use of Bifurcation Diagrams as Fingerprints of Chemical Mechanisms"
J. Phys. Chem. 93, 2796-2800 (1989)
[63] Försterling H.D., Noszticzius Z.:
"An Additional Negative Feedback Loop in the Classical Belousov- Zhabotinsky Reaction: Malonyl Radical as a Second Control Intermediate"
J. Phys. Chem. 93, 2740-2748 (1989)
[64] Bódiss J., Oláh K., Wittmann M., Noszticzius Z.:
"CO-evolution in BZ-related Systems"
International Conference on Dynamics of Exotic Phenomena in Chemistry, Hajdúszoboszló. Preprints, pp. 253-254 (1989)
[65] McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z., Swinney H.L.:
"Excitability and Quasi-Excitability: Definitions and Experiments"
International Conference on Dynamics of Exotic Phenomena in Chemistry, Hajdúszoboszló. Preprints, pp. 263-264 (1989)
[66] Farkas H., Noszticzius Z., Savage C.R., Schelly Z.A.:
"Two-dimensional explodators 2. Global analysis of the Lotka-Volterra- -Brusselator (LVB) model"
Acta Phys. Hung. 66, 203-220 (1989)
[67] Försterling H.D., Murányi Sz., Noszticzius Z.:
"The Role of Free Radicals in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction"
React. Kinet Catal. Lett. 42, 217-226 (1990)
[68] Swinney H.L., McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z.:
"Experiments on Temporal and Spatial Chemical Patterns" React. Kin. Catal.
Lett. 42, 253-262 (1990)
[69] Försterling H.D., Murányi Sz., Noszticzius Z.:
"Evidence of Malonyl Radical Controlled Oscillations in the Belousov- -Zhabotinsky Reaction (Malonic Acid-Bromate-Cerium System)"
J. Phys. Chem. 94, 2915-2921 (1990)
[70] Stuk L., Roberts J., McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z:
"Further Evidence for Radical-Controlled Oscillations in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction: Large Effects of Ultraviolet Light and Silver Ions",
J. Phys. Chem. 94, 6734-6737 (1990)
[71] Swinney H.L., Kreisberg N., McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z. Skinner G.:
"Spatiotemporal Patterns in Reaction-Diffusion Systems"
Soviet-American Chaos Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 24-28 July, 1989 in "Chaos, Soviet-American Perspectives on Nonlinear Science Ed. David K. Campbell pp. 197-205
[72] Noszticzius Z., Horsthemke W., McCormick W.D, Swinney H. L., Tam W.Y.:
U.S.Patent, Number 4,968,484,
"Annular gel reactor for chemical pattern formation", granted Nov.6, 1990
[73] McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z., Swinney H.L.:
"Interrupted separatrix excitability in a chemical system"
J. Chem. Phys. 94, 2159-2167 (1991)
[74] Kshirsagar G., Noszticzius Z., McCormick W.D., Swinney H.L.:
"Spatial patterns in a uniformly fed membrane reactor"
Physica D 49, 5-12 (1991)
[75] Noszticzius Z., Bodnár Zs., Garamszegi L., Wittmann M.:
"Hydrodynamic Turbulence and Diffusion-Controlled Reactions. Simulation of the Effect of Stirring on the Oscillating Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction with the Radicalator Model"
J. Phys. Chem. 95, 6575-6580 (1991)
[76] Farkas H., Noszticzius Z.:
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[77] Györgyi L., Field R.J., Noszticzius Z., McCormick W.D., Swinney H.L.:
"Confirmation of High Flow Rate Chaos in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction"
J. Phys. Chem. 96, 1228-1233 (1992)
[78] Lee K.J., McCormick W.D., Noszticzius Z., Swinney H.L.:
"Turing patterns visualised by index of refraction variations"
J. Chem. Phys. 96, 4048-4049 (1992)
[79] Noszticzius Z., Ouyang Q., McCormick W.D., Swinney, H.L.:
"Long-lived oscillations in the chlorite-iodide-malonic acid reaction in batch"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 4290-4295 (1992)
[80] Murányi Sz., Noszticzius Z.:
"On the Problem of Bromide Control in a Tl -perturbed Belousov-Zhabotinsky Oscillator"
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[81] Noszticzius Z., Ouyang Q., McCormick W.D., Swinney H.L.:
"Effect of Turing pattern indicators on CIMA oscillators"
J. Phys. Chem. 96, 6302-6307 (1992)
[82] Ouyang Q., Noszticzius Z., Swinney H.L.:
"Spatial Bistability of Two-dimensional Turing Patterns in a Reaction-diffusion System"
J. Phys. Chem. 96, 6773-6776 (1992)
[83] Noszticzius Z., Farkas H., Schubert A., Swift J., McCormick, W.D. Swinney H.L.:
"Experiments at the Boundary of Two Worlds: Reaction, Diffusion, Electric Conduction and Multicomponent Convection in Gel and Fluid Reactors"
in "Spatio-Temporal Organization in Nonequilibrium Systems"
Eds.: S.C. Müller, T.Plesser, Project Verlag, Dortmund 1992
[84] Predtechensky A.A., McCormick W.D., Swift J.B., Noszticzius, Z. Swinney H.L.:
"Onset of Traveling Waves in Isothermal Double Diffusive Convection"
Phys. Rev. Letters 72, 218 (1994)
[85] Gao Y., Försterling H.-D., Noszticzius Z.:
"Some New Discoveries in the Organic Subset of the Classical BZ Reaction"
International Workshop on Dynamism and Regulation in Non-linear Chemical Systems
NIMC-AIST Tsukuba, Japan, March 22-25, p. 49 (1994)
[86] P. Nagy I., Keresztessy A., Pojman J.A., Bazsa Gy., Noszticzius Z.:
"Chemical Waves in the Iodide - Nitric Acid System"
J. Phys. Chem. 98, 6030 (1994)
[87] Gao Y., Fösterling H.-D., Noszticzius Z., Meyer B.:
"HPLC Studies on the Organic Subset of the Oscillatory BZ Reaction
1.Products of the Ce 4+ - -Malonic Acid Reaction"
J. Phys. Chem. 98, 9377 (1994)
[88] Noszticzius Z.:
"Principles of Self-Organization and Self-Accelerating Reactions in Nonequilibrium Chemical Systems"
Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Phys. and Nucl. Sci. 1, 213-219 (1993)
[89] Marlovits G., Wittmann M., Noszticzius Z., Gáspár V.:
"A New Chemical Oscillator in a Novel Open Reactor: The ClO2 -I2 -Acetone System in a Membrane Fed Stirred Tank Reactor"
J. Phys. Chem. 99, 5359-5364 (1995)
[90] Hegedűs L., Noszticzius Z., Papp Á., Schubert A.P., Wittmann M.:
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[91] Lázár A., Noszticzius Z., Farkas H., Försterling H.-D.:
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[92] Lázár A., Noszticzius Z., Fösterling H.-D., Nagy-Ungvárai Zs.:
"Chemical Waves in Modified Membranes I. Developing the Technique"
Physica D 84, 112-119 (1995)
[93] Sirimungkala A., Försterling H.-D., Noszticzius Z.:
"HPLC Studies on the Organic Subset of the Oscillatory BZ Reaction.
2. Two different Types of Malonyl Radicals in the Ce4+ - Malonic Acid Reaction"
J. Phys. Chem. 100, 3051-3055 (1996)
[94] Lázár A., Försterling H.-D., Volford A., Noszticzius Z.:
"Refraction of Chemical Waves Propagating in Modified Membranes"
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 92, 2903-2909 (1996)
[95] Dajka, J., Károly, T., Nagy, I.P., Gáspár V. and Noszticzius, Z.
Transition between circular fronts and spiral waves in Marginally excitable media
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[96] Simon, P. L., Nguyen T. B., Farkas, H. and Noszticzius, Z.
Application of the parametric representation method to construct bifurcation diagrams of highly non-linear chemical dynamics systems
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[97] Hegedűs, L., Wittmann, M., Kirschner, N., Noszticzius, Z.,
Reaction, diffusion, electric conduction and determination of fixed ions in a hydrogel
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[98] Volford, A., Wittmann, M., Marlovits, G., Noszticzius, Z., Gáspár, V.
Platinum as a Chlorine Dioxide/Chlorite Redox Electrode in ClO2 -Based Oscillating Reactions and a New Semibatch Oscillator: the ClO2 -Acetone System with I- Inflow
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[99] Lázár, A., Försterling, H.D., Farkas, H., Simon, P., Volford, A., Noszticzius, Z.
Waves of excitation on non-uniform membrane rings, caustics and reverse involutes.
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[100] Oslonovitch, J., Försterling, H.D., Wittmann, M., Noszticzius, Z.
HPLC Studies on the Organic Subset of the Oscillatory BZ Reaction 3.
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J. Phys. Chem. A. 102 922-927 (1998)
[101] Hegedűs, L., Kischner, N., Wittmann, M., Noszticzius, Z.
Electrolyte transistors
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[102] Kirschner, N., Hegedűs, L., Wittmann, M., Noszticzius Z.
Nonlinear "Salt-effect" in an electrolyte diode. Theory and experiments
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[103] Szalay, I., Försterling, H.-D., Noszticzius, Z.
HPLC Studies on the Photochemical Formation of Free Radicals from Malonic Acid
J. Phys. Chem. A. 102 3118-3120 (1998)
[104] Volford, A., Noszticzius, Z., Krinsky, V., Dupont, C., Lázár, A., Försterling, H.D.
Amplitude Control of Chemical Waves in Catalytic Membranes. Asymetric Wave propagation between Zones Loaded with Different Catalyst Concentrations.
J. Phys. Chem. A. 102 8355-8361 (1998)
[105] Hegedűs, L., Kirschner, N., Wittmann, M., Noszticzius, Z., Amemiya, T.,
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Nonlinear effects of electrolyte diodes and transistors in a polymer gel medium
CHAOS 9 283-297 (1999)
[106] Nagygyőry, Sz., Wittmann, M., Pintér, Sz., Visegrády, A., Dancsó, A.,
Nguyen Bich, T., Noszticzius, Z.
Alternative Reaction Channels and Carbene Intermediates in the Ce4+ - Malonic Acid and Ce4+ - Bromomalonic Acid Reactions l. CO2 Measurements
J. Phys. Chem. A. 103 4885-4892 (1999)
[107] Volford, A., Simon, P.L., Farkas, H., Noszticzius, Z.
Rotating Chemical Waves: Theory and Experiments
Physica A. 274 30-49 (1999)
[108] Hegedűs, L., Försterling, H.D., Wittmann, M., Noszticzius, Z.
Ce4+-Malonic Acid Reaction in the Presence of O2. Reaction Channels Leading to Tartonic and Oxalic Acid Intermediates.
J. Phys. Chem. A. 104 9914 -9920 (2000)
[109] Hegedűs, L., Försterling, H.D., Kókai, E., Pelle, K., Taba, G., Wittmann,. M.,
Noszticzius, Z.,
Chemical mechanism of the radial feedback loop in the classical BZ. reaction. Malonyl bromite and oxalic acid as flow through intermediates.
Phys. Chem.Chem. Phys. 2 4023 -4028 (2000)
[110] Kirschner, N., Simon, P.L., Wittmann M., Noszticzius, Z., Merkin,.
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Book Editors: John A. Pojman and Qui Tran-Cong-Miyata ISBN: 0-8412-3850-2
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[121] Onel, L., Bourceanu. G., Wittmann, M., Noszticzius, Z.:
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Special Issue for the International Symposium on Soft-Nanotechnology.
[128] Szabó, G., Csavdári, A., Onel, L., Bourceanu, G., Noszticzius, Z., Wittmann, M.
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[129] Noszticzius, Z., Várnai, G.
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[130] Onel, L., Wittmann, M., Pelle, K., Noszticzius, Z., Sciascia, L.
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