Zoltán Noszticzius
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Institute of Physics , Department of Chemical Physics
H-1521 Budapest, Pf. 91
Tel: 463-1341
Fax: 463-1896
e-mail: noszti@eik.bme.hu
Birthplace, date of birth: Budapest, January 31. 1942.
Studies and degrees:
1956 - 60: High school: József Attila Gimnázium Budapest
1960 - 65: Technical University of Budapest (TUB), Present name:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE)
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
1965: Masters degree in Chemical Engineering
1971: PhD (TUB), summa cum laude
thesis: Raioactive trace diffusion measurements
1981: Candidate of Chemical science (Hungarian Academy of Science)
title of the dissertation: The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction
1989: Doctor of Chemical Science (Hungarian Academy of Science)
title of the dissertation:
Nonlinear Dynamics in Chemistry and the BZ Reaction
Teaching and research:
1965 - 73: Assistant lecturer, TUB Vegyészmérnöki Fizika Osztály
1973. III.-VI.: research fellow, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
1973 - 84: Lecturer, TUB Vegyészmérnöki Fizika Osztály
1976. IX.-XII.: Research fellow, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
1981 - 82: Research fellow, University of Texas at Arlington, USA (1 year)
1984 - 91: Associate Professor, TUB Department of Chemical Physics
1985 - 87: Visiting Professor, University of Texas at Austin, USA (2 years)
1987, 88: Visiting Professor, Philipps Universität, Marburg (1 month, two times)
1988. I.-VI.: Research Professor, University of Texas at Austin, USA
1991 - Professor, TUB Department of Chemical Physics
1991 - 92: Visiting Professor, University of Texas at Austin, USA (1 year)
1992, 94: Visiting Professor, Philipps Universität, Marburg (2 months, two times)
1993: Invited lecturer of the Finnish Academy of Sciences (1 month)
1994 - Head of the Department, TUB Department of Chemical Physics
1995, 96, 98: Visiting Professor, Philipps Universität, Marburg (1 month, three times)
1997, 98: Invited Researcher, Institute Nonlineaire de Nice (3 months)
1990: Széchenyi Prize (together with Endre Kőrös and Milós Orbán)
for his achievements in the field of oscillatory reactions
1993: Outstanding lecturer of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (received
by one lecturer each year based on the votes of the students )
1999: the lecturer of the year (based on the opinion poll of the Diákinfó
1999: Prize for the TDK work
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Special fellowship:
1997-2000 Széchenyi stipendium for Professors
Important lectures at international conferences:
1979: Aachen, plenary lecture
1980: Heidelberg, plenary lecture
1982: Plymouth, New Hampshire (USA), Gordon Conferece
1984: Bordeaux, plenary lecture
1985: Plymouth, New Hampshire (USA), Gordon Conferece
1985: Austin, Dynamics Days
1987: Brussels, plenary lecture
1989: Hajdúszoboszló, plenary lecture
1991: NewPort, Rhode Island (USA), Gordon Conf, plenary lecture
1994: Tsukuba, Japan, plenary lecture
1995: Szmolenice, Slovakia, plenary lecture
1995: Würzburg, Bunsen Kolloquium, plenary lecture
1997: Budapest, Hungarian-Japanese conf., plenary lecture
1997: NewPort, Rhode Island (USA), Gordon Conf., plenary lecture
1999: Budapest, NATO ARW conf., plenary lecture
1999: Barga, Italy, Gordon conf., plenary lecture
1999: Moscow, Russia, PolyNon conf., plenary lecture
2000: Berlin, Németország Engineering chemical complexity conf.,
plenary lecture
2001 Manchester, Anglia, Faraday Discussions conf., plenary lecture
2002 Heidelberg, Németország Dynamics Days Europe, plenary lecture
1976: Helsinki University of Technology
1980: Marburg, Philipps Universität
1981: University of Texas at Arlington
1982: University of Texas at Houston
1982: University of Texas at Austin
1982: Institut für Angew. Phys. Chem., Heidelberg
1983: Marburg, Philipps Universität
1986: University of Texas at Arlington
1987: University of Oregon, Eugene
1987: Missoula, University of Montana
1988: Marburg, Philipps Universität
1990: Tucson, University of Arizona
1993: Helsinki University of Technology
1995: Würzburg
1997: NIMC, Tsukuba, Japán
1997, 98: Institute Nonlineaire de Nice
2000 Prague, Institute of Chemical Technology
Organization of Scientific Networks and Conferences
1.) Local organizer of the conference held in Budapest by the European network of
and Complex Systems in Chemistry and Biology
together with Prof. Stefan Müller. Title of the confernce:
Spatio-temporal dynamics in nonlinear and complex reactions
Held between
January 20 and 22 in 1995.
2.) He organized together with Tomohiko Yamaguchi a Hungarian-Japanese coference on
Complex chemical dynamics in polymer matrices
in Budapest between 19 and 23 of
September in 1997.
3.) Together with Professors Steven K. Scott (UK) and Friedmann Schneider (Germany) they
estabilished a European network
Nonlinear chemistry in complex reactors (REACTOR)
supported by the European Science Foundation. Member of the Steering Comitte: 2000- In
January of 2003 he organized the latest conference of the network in Budapest. Since January
2003 he is the chairman of the Steering Committe.